Anal Abscess Treatment in Rochester, NY

A person experiencing symptoms such as chills, fever, and pain in the rectal or anal area may have an anal abscess or fistula. These conditions are not widely understood, and if you need more information or wish to consult with a professional, you can reach out tocontact Rochester Colon & Rectal Surgeons. To schedule a consultation for anal abscess treatment with our board-certified colorectal specialists, call (585) 222-6566 and visit our colorectal surgery center in Rochester, NY.

What Exactly is an Anal Abscess?

An anal abscess is a pus-filled cavity located near the anus or rectum.

What is an Anal Fistula?

Typically resulting from a prior abscess, an anal fistula is a narrow channel that links the anal gland, where the abscess originated, to the skin on the buttocks outside the anus.

What Causes Abscesses?

Abscesses form due to a severe infection of a small gland inside the anus, which occurs when bacteria or foreign substances enter the tissue through the gland. Some conditions, such as colitis or other intestinal inflammations, can increase the likelihood of these infections.

What Causes Fistulas?

After draining an abscess, a tunnel might persist, connecting the anal gland where the abscess originated to the skin. If continuous drainage from the external opening occurs, it could indicate the tunnel’s persistence. If the external opening heals, a recurrent abscess may develop.

What Symptoms Do Abscesses and Fistulas Cause?

Both conditions can cause continuous pain, sometimes accompanied by swelling, unrelated to bowel movements. Other symptoms include skin irritation around the anus, pus drainage (which can relieve pain), fever, and a general feeling of unwellness.

Do Abscesses Always Develop Into Fistulas?

No. Fistulas develop in about 50% of abscess cases, and there’s no reliable way to predict if this will happen.

How is an Abscess Treated?

An abscess treatment involves draining the pus from the infected cavity, creating a skin opening near the anus to alleviate pressure. This can often be performed in a doctor’s office using local anesthesia. Larger or deeper abscesses may necessitate hospitalization and a different anesthetic method. Hospitalization might also be required for individuals at greater risk of serious infections, such as diabetics or those with weakened immunity. Antibiotics typically don’t replace pus drainage, as they are transported by the bloodstream and don’t penetrate the fluid within an abscess.

What About Fistula Treatment?

Surgery is essential to treat an anal fistula. Although the surgery is usually relatively straightforward, complications can occur, making it preferable for a colon and rectal surgery specialist to perform it. The surgery can be done concurrently with abscess surgery, although fistulas often form four to six weeks after an abscess has been drained – occasionally even months or years later. The procedure typically involves cutting a small part of the anal sphincter muscle to open the tunnel, connecting the external and internal openings and converting the tunnel into a groove that will heal from the inside out. Usually, fistula surgery can be done on an outpatient basis or with a short hospital stay.

How Quickly Do Patients Recover?

Post-fistula surgery discomfort can range from mild to moderate in the first week and can be managed with pain medication. The time away from work or school is typically minimal.

Home recovery from abscess or fistula treatment involves soaking the affected area in warm water (sitz bath) three to four times a day. Stool softeners might also be suggested. A gauze pad or mini-pad may be needed to prevent drainage from staining clothes. Bowel movements will not interfere with healing.

What are the Chances of a Recurrence?

If properly healed, the issue generally does not recur. Nevertheless, it’s vital to adhere to the instructions of a colon and rectal surgeon to prevent a recurrence.

What is a Colorectal Surgeon?

Colon and rectal surgeons are specialists in the surgical and non-surgical management of colon and rectal issues. They have undergone advanced training in the treatment of colon and rectal problems in addition to comprehensive training in general surgery. Colon and rectal surgeons address benign and malignant conditions, conduct routine screening exams, and perform surgical treatments when necessary.

Board-certified colon and rectal surgeons complete a residency in general surgery, plus an additional year in colon and rectal surgery, and pass an intensive examination conducted by the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery.

The executive office of the 2,600 member American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons is located in the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights.

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Schedule a Consultation for Anal Abscess Treatment in Rochester, NY

If you are experiencing symptoms of an anal abscess and would like to talk to a colorectal surgeon, contact Rochester Colon & Rectal Surgeons for more information about anal abscess and fistula treatment. To schedule a consultation at our colorectal surgery center in Rochester, NY, please call (585) 222-6566 today.